Easy and secure access to your content

Store, share and control access to files and places from your mobile device, tablet or computer


Access manage

Organize access to files
  • For specific users
  • By roles
  • Everyone
access manage example

Built-in protections against malware, spam, and ransomware

Place can provide secure access to your files.
Files shared with you can be proactively scanned and removed when malware, spam, ransomware, or phishing is detected.
And Place is cloud-native, which eliminates the need for local files and can minimize risk to your devices.

danger message on view

Trade module (in future)

PlaceShare offers a Trade Module for inclusion in the application, allowing you to create exchange offers
  • Files per file
  • Files for currency
  • Places to places
  • Places for currency
trade between users

Create a Place with unique URL.

Create user-friendly URLs for your people.
Create Places and files with the same names.
Don't overthink about naming

unique url

Ready to get started?

Contribute to the development of the project!

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